Why do many people buy high imitation bags

Below to share a few knowledge about why many people buy high imitation bags, I hope to help you quickly understand the luxury bag industry, if you need to buy high-end luxury bags of friends please add contact me!
- The presence of high replica bags cuts down on the value of the brand, and consumers choose high replica bags them for this reason.
- Of course is the price, now high imitation and genuine, from the appearance, almost can not be seen, the price can be a difference of tens of times!
- Quality wise, it’s about as good as the real thing.
- People are used to it and don’t see it as fake.
Top original high-end luxury bags factory sources, accept wholesale, agent, retail, micro-merchant agent one piece of hair, 100% generation purchase quality, support cash on delivery, 7 days return, after-sales worry-free!
Main: a variety of luxury brand bags, in addition to shoes, clothing, watches, belts, scarves, glasses, jewelry and other sources to provide, 100% first-hand factory sources.
Our company a factory specializing in OEM production for overseas high-end customers of various luxury brands as well as various styles of big brand men’s and women’s bags. Specializing in L.V.guc.ci.chanel.di0r….. Bag production for nearly 10 years, in strict accordance with customer requirements and counter genuine in order to achieve similar 95% above. Factory bag leather Hardware, all overseas companies are designated suppliers. Ensure a high degree of uniformity of the materials used in the bag. Production equipment and personnel are practicing more than 8 years of veterans. The development of each new model is completely purchased authentic bag in accordance with the proportion of full data production.
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