How should I pick my favorite, most cost-effective replica leather goods?

Newbie how to avoid lightning

(1) take goods at the beginning of the color try not to take too much, try to take the mainstream color, black/white/gray/curry

(2) style as unified as possible, it is best to have their own personal positioning, do not take a West to take one, try to focus on so many good quality style also like the stalls. Take a long time, others also have an impression of you, and later take more can also be slightly cut prices!

(3) newbie take goods try to count the number of good on the spot, time to the best unpacking check. After all, even if the quality is good, there will inevitably be so many mistakes.

(4) Never, never, never take a cheap bag of poor quality! The moment you take the wallet feel relieved, but get back you will find problems constantly! Quality can not be guaranteed, after-sales problems are even more serious. Completely is to spoil their own reputation, do business for a long time, slowly know the truth of a penny a penny.

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